If there’s one thing you can count on movies, it’s that every year gives us a bevy of new female characters to watch. Some are just pure looks whether in comedies or in action films and others delve deeper to make themselves compelling characters in their own right. Sure, looks are important to whether or not a character is deemed “hot” enough but other times, it can be the inner drive, the energy or how she handles drama (whether romance or action) to achieve her goals. Sure, we pay attention to the ladies who show off skin but they don’t have to in order to stand among the hottest around.
The best among there were a mix of veterans and newcomers, some only in one movie while others stretched across several. From drama to action to comedy, these actresses are undeniably sexy as hell in what they do and proved it this year. Here are the 15 ladies who shined the most in cinema in 2015 and provided moviegoers with very hot times to enjoy.
15. Madalina Diana Ghenea
It’s only one scene but you can’t do a list of the hottest women in movies in 2015 and not include her. Youth has gotten good reviews for its great cast of Michael Caine, Harvey Keitel, Rachel Weisz and Jane Fonda, frank talk on the aging of actors and a lovely setting in a Swiss hotel. As Caine and Keitel talk in a pool, they’re interrupted by Ghenea, playing the new Miss Universe, who’s completely naked and the sight is enough to render them (and moviegoers) speechless. Her full bosom, her great rear, long legs and hair flowing around her, it was so amazing that a (slightly edited) view of it was made into the movie’s poster. Ghenea deserves a lot more attention for such a great highlight to liven this film up.
14. Lea Seydoux
The French actress has been standing out well with her lovely beauty and sexy appeal and really rose up this year. In Diary of a Chambermaid, she plays a maid for a family who’s revered for her beauty and lives up to that with lovely dresses and making a maid’s uniform look wonderfully sexy. Better was Specter as she’s one of the best Bond Girls ever, a bright doctor pulled into a crazy adventure but handling herself well. She’s stunning in a gorgeous dress for a dinner with Bond that turns into a brutal fight against an enemy and she’s the one who bails out Bond later in the finale. With her accent, perfect features and a sexy smile, Seydoux reminds you of the innate beauty of the French and that carries over any language barriers.
13. Jessica Chastain
Still one of the busiest actresses out there, Chastain continued that run in 2015 with a couple of notable roles. In The Martian, she showed wonderful grit as the leader of the team determined to rescue a lost comrade and making a spacesuit look amazingly alluring. In Crimson Peak, she took on a darker hair color but still glorious as her Victorian-era clothes actually were far sexier than any skin-showing outfits, her presence fantastic and shot to look the perfect beauty she is. Also, the trailers for The Huntsman: Winter’s War show her in tight leather and naked in a pool and how this redhead shines beautifully on film.
12. Daisy Ridley
Thrust into the spotlight big-time, Ridley was given the key role of Rey in Star Wars the Force Awakens and lived up to the promise. Despite spending the entire movie in desert robes, she was strikingly beautiful with dark hair and lovely features, showing her strength as a pilot, a fighter and even being tortured, never giving up no matter what. It plays into the major finale of the film and the character is already a huge winner with fans to set the saga in a new light. She’s contracted for the sequels but one can only hope she branches out more to show a true new star in the cinema landscape.
11. Julianne Moore
Julianne Moore started the year as the only reason to watch the much-delayed and terrible fantasy flick Seventh Son, rocking a skin-tight leather outfit with cleavage that matched her role as a wicked witch. Thankfully, that didn’t stop Moore from claiming her long-overdue Oscar, looking glamorous on the stage accepting it. She followed it up with Freeheld as even “dressed down” as a real life cop trying to get benefits for her lesbian partner couldn’t hide Moore’s hotness. That was also proven true in The Hunger Games-Mockingjay Part 2 as the grey hair fit her role as Coin who showed her true darker colors behind that friendly demeanor. At the top of her game more than ever, Moore proves sexiness can improve with age and no sign of letting up.
10. Dakota Johnson
As the daughter on Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, she had good genes in her DNA and this was the year she showed it off. Of course, the biggest was 50 Shades of Grey as Johnson rose to the challenge of the dark material and handled it well, showing her naked body off without shame in various compromising positions and shots to make the movie a smash hit. Her roles in Cymbeline and Black Mass added to it, showing her true talent off and how she’s a sexy gal even fully clothed. She has a Shades sequel coming up that should give us even more nudity to admire but no matter what she chooses, Johnson has proven herself worthy of her family’s sexy legacy and creating one of her own.
9. Rooney Mara
It was an up and down year for the actress who had to endure the horrible Pan film with massive backlash over her being cast as Tiger Lily. At least she looked great in the role in forest-themed outfits and makeup to make her scenes more tolerable than the rest of the film. Much better was Carol as her performance as a shopkeeper falling for Cate Blanchett’s housewife has earned major awards buzz and showed her lovely beauty off, especially the duo’s terrific love scene. Mara also expressed hopes to reprise her role as Lisbeth Salander and one hopes to continue as this somewhat quiet beauty has a truly sexy appeal.
8. Dianna Agron
Best known as the bitchy Quinn on Glee, Agron had a pretty good year to show she can be a better actress and a hotter presence on film. In Zipper, she played an intern whose infatuation with a married prosecutor sends the man on a spiral with a prostitute, Agron nicely teasing in her short skirts and low-cut tops with that sexy smirk of her. She went further in the appropriately titled Bare as a small-town girl falling for a drifted (Paz de la Huerta), showing her body off in an incredibly hot desert love scene. Give her bigger roles and Agron can take off as this woman has sexiness to spare and true glee showing it off.
7. Angelina Jolie
Any year with the Oscar-winning former wild child on film is worthy of making this list. She tried to “de-glamour” herself with her role as a wife opposite real-life husband Brad Pitt in By the Sea which she also directed. It didn’t work as nothing can stop Jolie from looking like the hottest woman alive, especially when she gets naked (a move even braver given her mastectomy surgery a couple of years ago). No matter how she was shot, Jolie was utterly breathtaking, still one of the best bodies in Hollywood and shows little sign that’s going to change anytime soon which we should be grateful for.
6. Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart has always had a beautiful side but this is the year she may finally have the respect to go with it. Chided in the past for a lack of acting talent, she proved herself as an assistant in The Clouds of Sils Maria who falls for Juliette Binoche’s actress, showing true drive and made history as the first American to win the revered Cesar Award. She was also a highlight of American Ultra as the “girl next door” turned secret agent whipping ass in jeans and a t-shirt and in the indie drama Anesthesia. Showing she really has true acting ability just adds to Stewart’s already hot side and promises a lot better times to come.
5. Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt’s sexy appeal has never been denied but she truly went out to match it with her inner strength in the acclaimed drama Sicario. Even bundled under SWAT gear can’t hide her beauty as she raids a drug house and finds numerous dead bodies, then showers to get the blood of an explosion off her. It’s there in a scene where she hooks up with a guy at a bar, cutting loose a bit then has to fight him off when he turns out to be a corrupt cop. It’s there in the finale raiding a drug base and finding out the dark truth of her “allies” and refusing to back down. Plus, throw in her great performance on Lip Synch Battle against Anne Hathaway and you have a lady whose cool demeanor melts fast to show her heat off (even as the Ice Queen in the Huntsman: Winter’s War trailer) and stands out well.
4. Rebecca Ferguson
Her biggest role before this was the lead in the Starz dram The White Queen that showed her nude body off a lot. But in Mission Impossible Rogue Nation, she showcased a stunning beauty and athleticism to break out majorly. From taking down guys twice her size to a gorgeous dress that showed off plenty of leg and a swimsuit scene later, she was a true standout and her star is already on the rise as you can’t go wrong with a woman who looks this great kicking so much a$$.
3. Alicia Vikander
It’s been a fantastic breakout year for the Swedish actress with the sci-fi movie Ex Machina showing her as the sexiest robot in movie history, gorgeous walking about even before she takes on skin to show her naked body off. She was the best part of The Man From UNCLE as the woman with a sneaky side, getting into a fun dance-off/fight with Arnie Hammer and rocking the ‘60’s dresses. And she’s earning raves and nominations for her performance in The Danish Girl that shows her talent to go with her amazing beauty and lush accents. No matter the role, Vikander is a star on the rise and willing to show her body off in it and promises a major career to come.
2. Cate Blanchett
At 46, the woman is getting hotter than ever before. She kicked off the year as the evil stepmother in the live-action Cinderella and stole the film with her cold but steamy demeanor and some amazing dresses. More importantly was her work in Carol as a housewife in the 1950s drawn into an affair with Rooney Mara’s shopkeeper. Blanchett is regal beauty as she opens up to this younger woman, the two having a hot but realistic love scene and showing her amazing body off well. No matter the role, Blanchett has a nearly regal quality that makes her a lovely standout in any year and this was one of the best yet.
1. Charlize Theron
Charlize Theron has been giving moviegoers some hot times on film since her debut. But nothing speaks volumes to her incredibly hotness than the fact that in Mad Max Fury Road, she’s bald, dirty, her eyes shadowed, in jeans and a torn shirt, an artificial arm and she’s sexier than ever before. As Furiosa, Theron was a force of nature, dominating every second of screen time for an action heroine like no other and helping make the movie a smash hit. She also added to her fame with the little-seen but compelling thriller Dark Places that showed her smoldering side off well as a cop investigating an unsolved murder. She’ll spend 2016 returning to her role as the Evil Queen and proving yet again that her sexiness is her greatest weapon and strength on film.

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