Not sure why it always happens, but princesses are beautiful. Princess Diana, stunning. Kate Middleton, absolutely gorgeous. If you don’t know her already, google Princess Ameerah al-Taweel, you’ll thank us later. There’s just something about being a Princess that calls for beautiful women, born into it or not.
It may be because we just expect princesses to be the prettiest of all women though. Take a look at every fake princess there has ever been. Outside of a few Adventure Time ones (Lumpy Space Princess) they are all just so pretty. So which one’s the hottest? Well that’s a debate for the ages.
Do you prefer them blonde or brunette? How about redheads? Should they be good in a fight? Should they be smart? Should they go to sleep all the freaking time? No, we don’t like that one. There are so many factors to consider when determining who is the hottest, so we have done that for you. Here are the 12 hottest fictional princesses of all time.
12. Jasmine
Disney princesses will be on this list a lot. They pretty much are top of the list when it comes to animating beautiful women, and almost all their main women are princesses. Jasmine is no exception to this rule as she is arguably one of the prettiest Disney has to offer. Not sure if it’s the fact that she always has her midrift showing or what, but Jasmine is easily one of Disney’s finest. There isn’t a character in Aladdin who doesn’t love Jasmine, and her beauty certainly helps a lot. Though be careful with her, she does have a tiger as her guard, and he will eat you.
11. Leia Organa
If you haven’t seen the original trilogy you must have been living under a rock for the past… forever. If you somehow missed the scene of Leia in the gold bikini, go watch the movies again. All of them. Leia is just gorgeous in every scene, even if her hair looks like cinnamon rolls. The gold bikini is an iconic moment that made many boys in the 70’s have to sit up a little straighter in their seats. It’s become a fantasy of pretty much every nerdy guy, as explained in one awesome episode of Friends (we just wanted to remind you Jennifer Aniston wore the bikini too. You’re welcome). Even in the new movies, Leia may have gotten a little older but she’s still got it!
10. Princess Mononoke
If you haven’t seen Hayao Miyazaki’s epic movie Princess Mononoke, you aren’t alone. This film is severely underrated and should be seen by anyone who enjoys quality movies, which is presumably everyone. Don’t let the title throw you off, this is no fairy tale. Instead it’s a delightful, action-packed story about nature’s fight against man. San is the titular princess and wow is she gorgeous. She’s not the stereotypical anime woman with gigantic boobs and a short skirt, which actually adds to her appeal. She seems very real, yet beautiful. Though be warned, if you were to try to speak with San, she’ll probably try to kill you, like she does to almost everyone else. Give her a chance though, there’s something very sexy about a beautiful woman who was raised by wolves.
9. Fiona
No judgment if you prefer the Ogre version of Fiona from Shrek, but we do not. Fiona was one of the first princesses to break the mold of “damsel in distress” in the fairy tale genre, and movies have been trying to replicate it ever since. Who doesn’t love that scene where she beats the crap out of Robin Hood? Also that scene where she burps is kinda a turn on, fun fact, that is actually Cameron Diaz burping. We aren’t so crazy for the Ogre version, but she does pull it off real well. Fiona doesn’t get enough credit for how beautiful she really is.
8. Zelda
Zelda is so fine that she has games named after her that she is barely in. Who isn’t in love with this video game princess? Ganon is, Link is, Impa kinda is, pretty much everyone in every game. She’s not only beautiful though, she’s also a great fighter, able to go toe-to-toe with the worst Hyrule has to throw at her. Seriously her alter ego is a freaking ninja, how badass can you get? There are a few different Zelda designs, but take a look at some of the most recent ones like that in Hyrule Legends, or Twilight Princess, that’s the one that everyone seems to be in love with. Ganon wants to marry her, Link’s met her maybe once but will risk his life for her, even Impa is kinda in love with her. It’s no wonder that millions of kids are willing to traverse crazy and confusing dungeons with an elf-looking guy when the prize is to see this princess.
7. Ariel
Ahh The Little Mermaid. Credit has to be given to American Pie for reminding the world that Ariel is hot as hell! Whether as a human or a shell-bikini clad mermaid, we would totally hit that. She would find herself higher on the list, but she has a lot of red flags. First, we aren’t all that into the fish tail, preferring her with legs as those are very important. Second, the hoarding of weird trash has to go. And third, the feisty red head has found a place on this list in spite of not being able to talk as a human, truly we prefer our women not as mutes. At the end of the movie, when all those flaws are fixed, that’s the Ariel we want.
6. Tiana
Disney waited far too long to finally give us a black princess, but boy did they do a good job with her design. As mentioned already, Disney just knocks it out of the park when it comes to designing beautiful women, and they did not miss with Tiana. For a girl who looks like that, we can get past that she used to be a frog. Hell she could be a frog again, we’d give her a big kiss to get this lady back in our eye line. Her big smile is probably the most beautiful thing about her, but the character design was just 100% on point. Way to go Disney! Another beautiful princess.
5. Emma Swan
Once Upon a Time definitely has it’s share of beautiful princesses. Ginnifer Goodwin’s Snow White, Emilie de Ravin’s Belle, Lana Parilla’s Regina, and those are just the main cast! The one who most strikes our fancy is Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan. We may have fallen in love with her in other roles on House or How I Met Your Mother, but she’s sexiest as the tough-as-nails detective/princess Emma Swan. She definitely is no damsel in distress and is more likely to save her man than have him save her. She stays incredibly hot without having to resort to showing a ton of skin or dressing overtly provocative. We’d follow this girl into any world and let ourselves get kidnapped to be saved by this princess.
4. Starfire
The New 52’s version of this princess of Tamaran is not like the little girl we saw on Teen Titans in our youth. She’s grown up… a lot. Many people have bashed this new rendition of the Super Heroin because she just doesn’t seem to understand what clothes are for, but when thinking about the hottest princesses it’s pretty much impossible to leave her off the list. The complaints are warranted (she’s basically naked, all the time), but wow is she stunning in a bikini. Mix her new redesign with the character’s new-found promiscuity (hooking up with anyone within arms length), and you might have the sexiest alien princess of all time. Though to clarify, we don’t feel this is a better version of the character we grew up with, just a hotter one.
3. Belle
It’s a real shame that this girl only loves giant hairy monsters, because she is one of the hottest women of all time. Her name is Beauty, if that doesn’t tell you what she’s about then I don’t know what will. The sexiest part about Belle is a toss up between her boobs, her butt, and her brains. Besides the fact that she’s beautiful, she’s probably the smartest of all the Disney Princesses. Though as a note to all you men out there, if you like a cute girl, do not lock her up in a castle, that’s highly illegal and will not work. Just need to make that part abundantly clear.
2. Daenerys Targaryen
Mmmmm… That’s all we have to say. The white hair, the thing with dragons, eating the horse’s heart; we can get past all of that. Actually the white hair is really hot, no objections with that. We would happily take on Drago to just have an hour with Emilia Clarke no matter what color her hair is. She’s just all around gorgeous, and has the perfect body. Dany is arguably the hottest girl in Game of Thrones, which is just a show made up of beautiful women who take their clothes off. This princess steals the show and reins at number 1, yet not the top of our list.
1. Cinderella
Pick a version, any version. That woman is hotter than anyone you will see today, or this month probably. Anna Kendrick in Into the Woods is my personal choice, but feel free to look at other options. We’ve already discussed the fact that Disney pretty much only makes beautiful women so you are more than free to add in the Disney animated classic. Lily James was absolutely gorgeous in the recent live action rendition. There are many, many more; Brandy, Hillary Duff, Lucy Hale, Julie Andrews, and Selena Gomez have all played the role and each at one point may have been classified as the hottest woman on the planet. Whichever Cinderella you think may be the hottest, you’re right. Cinderella is the hottest princess of all time.

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