15 Shocking Things Kate Upton Doesn't Want You To Know

Kate Upton wasn’t always the popular starlet that we see today. In fact, she was a nobody up until five years ago. Shocking considering what can happen in a matter of years to change someone’s life.

A few years ago most people would be saying, Kate Upton who? She was a small town girl from a small town, and the biggest surprise of all was how she was launched into Hollywood. Things changed for Kate when she broke the internet by performing the Dougie dance at a Clippers game. In the past five years, she has blown up in the fashion world and is now one of the most sought-after models in the industry.

Sired in Michigan, this stunning woman has graced the covers of Sports Illustrated, not once but twice and let’s not forget her acclaimed cover in Vogue. Her popularity grew almost overnight, and she soon nabbed the role of Amber in the romantic comedy, The Other Woman. What’s even more shocking is that Kate Upton accomplished all this before the age of 22. Now she is seen everywhere, her most popular campaign being Guess ads which she rocked for many years.

This voluptuous beauty is considered to be one of the sex sirens of our generation, and there doesn’t seem to be anything stopping her from claiming anything she desires. But do we know everything there is to know about the sexy blonde? There’s only one way to find out. Here are ten shocking things Kate Upton doesn’t want you to know:

15. Her Great-grandfather is a Billionaire

It’s probably safe to say that Kate Upton has never had a hard day in her life, especially when it comes to money. She grew up in a wealthy family and her own career has certainly brought her into a lavish lifestyle as well. Her great-grandfather’s billionaire fortune came from the fact that he co-founded the Upton machine in 1911. If you’re not familiar with that name, maybe this one will ring a bell. The company eventually changed its name to the Whirlpool Corporation which became a billion-dollar company

14. Upton Cut Up Her Clothing and Gave It Out in Topps Card Packs

If you are a baseball fan, then you may have received a piece of Kate Upton’s clothing in a baseball pack in 2012. During that year there was a limited edition Topps baseball card made in Upton’s honor that circulated. Upton offered to send pieces of her clothing with the card for that lucky man out there that received it. Whether that’s something that tantalizes your sense or not, Upton clearly thinks that men will swoon over just a section of her clothing. Personally, I don’t think I could get $1 for an article of clothing that I wore, but maybe that’s just me.

13. She Doesn’t Eat Red Meat

Sorry boys, I guess she isn’t perfect after all. Although Upton has been in various Carl Jr. advertisements she doesn’t eat red meat at all. Wait, so that orgasm over the burger was fake? It’s tragic but true. She doesn’t believe in eating red meat and she has been an advocate against it for some time. Despite her commercials that show her eating burgers, Upton has stated that she only eats things than swim and things that fly. Upton has stated that her favorite food is actually sushi.

12. Her Carl’s Jr. Commercial was Pulled from the Super Bowl

This girl can not help being banned for her work; it’s just too scandalous. She made a video for Carl’s Jr. in which she is practically making out with a burger she is so ravenous for it. On top of that, it appears as if she is having an orgasm while eating it as well. When it aired during the Super Bowl there was an outcry over it because many people believed it to be too risqué. So another of Upton’s projects was banned and the commercial never aired again. Upton may have to consider a career change at the rate that her projects are crashing and burning. The girl is hot though so it’s not surprising that companies want to use her.

11. She Was Horrified by Her “Cat Daddy” Video

Kate Upton seems to be in the headlines a lot for scandalous things. Sometimes it’s because of something she was involved in while other times she is unaware of the scandal it brings. In this case, the model made a video with photographer Terry Richardson of her performing the “Cat Daddy” dance. The video was released online and it went viral. It’s completely raunchy so it was probably something Upton regretted doing because it went so viral. It was eventually blocked by YouTube because of its raunchiness. Later it was found uploaded again and it’s remained there, probably because YouTube realized that there were far raunchier things on their site.

10. She Likes to Go Skinny Dipping in Public Places

A collective sigh was just heard from men all over the world. It’s true, though! The girl is fearless, and she took her co-stars along with her. Hey, women do everything together! When on location to film the movie, The Other Woman, Kate Upton took it upon herself to go skinny dipping in the hotel pool with her co-stars Cameron Diaz and Leslie Mann. They bared all for a midnight swim, bashfulness thrown to the sidelines. When the dirty deed was done they all worried that someone at the hotel had seen them, but they did the deed at night so who’s to say if someone got a lucky peek.

9. She Got Kicked Out of the Santa Monica Pier

You would think for someone like Kate Upton it would be really hard to get kicked out of anywhere. While doing a photoshoot in 2012 for her cover photo in GQ, Upton suffered a wardrobe malfunction. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time that a celebrity was out in public and a boob popped out. This was the first time however for the bodacious beauty and some people weren’t very happy with her. Shockingly, it didn’t happen during the photo shoot but only when she decided to go on one of the rides did her bikini top fall off exposing her to the rest of the carnival goers. That was enough for the fairgrounds to ask her to leave. Even her celebrity status couldn’t save her from the embarrassment of a wardrobe malfunction.

8. Victoria’s Secret Wasn’t Interested in Her

Although Kate Upton has modeled for the popular lingerie conglomeration before, they didn’t have very nice things to say about the beauty. In fact, it took awhile for them to warm up to her. They believed her to be a carbon copy blonde just like many others out there. It was stated that she had nothing real to offer to an audience and would just be passed up. The Casting director, Sophia Neophitou-Apostolou, who is in charge of the fashion shows for Victoria’s Secret boldly stated once: “We would never use Ms. Upton for a Victoria’s Secret show, she’s too obvious. She’s like a Page three girl, or a footballer’s wife, with the too-blonde hair and that kind of face that anyone with enough money can go out and buy.” Ouch! Well, in Hollywood it’s hard to please everyone. Keep your chin up Kate Upton, we still love you.

7. She Didn’t Have a Boyfriend in High School

High school can be particularly harsh for the best of us; it’s hard to find too many high school pictures that aren’t horrific. That being said, when her classmates were asked about Kate Upton, they stated that she wasn’t considered the beauty she is today. They stated that she was not very outgoing nor was she considered to be very pretty. What’s even more shocking was that she didn’t have a boyfriend in the four years that she attended high school. Judging by her high school photos, Upton was still a fox, so it’s surprising to hear some guy didn’t sweep her off her feet. Could it be that Kate Upton was more focused on her future as a superstar then she was with finding a high school sweetheart? Only she knows.

6. There Were 10% Less Shots Made During Her Attendance at an Oklahoma City Thunder Game

In 2012, Kate Upton attended an Oklahoma City Thunder game and while she sat on the court cheering her team on, stats showed that there were 10% fewer shots made on her side of the court. Is it possible that the blonde stunner was distracting the players on her side of the court? While attending the game, Upton was sitting with her Uncle Aubrey which obviously caused a negative impact on the players. It could easily be a coincidence, but it’s certainly funny that it was recognized. Kevin Durant seemed to confirm the power that Kate Upton can have over men when he posted this on his Instagram the next day: “Kate Upton, James and I at the Skullcandy shoot!! She is a beautiful young lady!” So maybe it wasn’t a coincidence after all.

5. Kate Felt Ashamed After Her First Cover for Sports Illustrated

In 2012, Kate Upton graced the cover of Sports Illustrated for the first time for their swimsuit issue. That same year Kate was also named as “Rookie of the Year” by the magazine. It wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, and Upton didn’t expect the reactions she got after the issue hit the newsstands. It turns out that Upton was hit on by a massive amount of men; great news right? What more could a beautiful woman want? Well, the problem with the men that were approaching her was that they were all married! After her cover was seen by millions, Kate Upton made a statement. “After my Sports Illustrated cover; I felt terrible about myself for a solid month. Every single guy I met was either married or about to be married, and I felt like I was their bachelor present or something.” Wink, wink.

4. Her Zoo York Commercial Was Banned

Kate Upton can’t seem to catch a break when it comes to paid shoots. When her Zoo York commercial aired, it was immediately banned by networks such as MTV and Adult Swim due to bleeped profanity and her erect nipple. It wasn’t quite another wardrobe malfunction, but Upton’s commercial still didn’t air on those networks. It’s weird that those specific networks would have an issue with erect nipples as both networks must have thrown out their fair share of nipples during their productions.

The sad part is if you watch the commercial the nipple is a hard thing to find, and we wonder if it ever was an issue at all. Where is the erect nipple? The profanity, however, it’s blatant and in your face. A warning to all: if you are going to look for the nipple in a public place, we suggest you use your headphones.

3. Kate Upton Shocks the Nuns

No matter what this girl does she always seems to be pissing someone off. In this case, she pissed off a whole league of nuns. She’s sexy and has no problem flaunting her body, so it’s bound to happen. She’s a model, however, and people need to realize that she makes her money off her looks. When Upton was filming shots for the remake of the movie The Three Stooges she was wearing a nun outfit that outraged the Catholic League. It turns out that they weren’t impressed with her portrayal of a nun. If you haven’t seen the movie, Upton plays Sister Bernice and dons a nun-inspired bathing suit. Not only that but she wore the headdress and crucifix upon her voluptuous bosom. The scenes were considered banned because the Catholic League was less than impressed with her nun portrayal.

2. Her Body Shut Down During Her Antarctica Photo for Sports Illustrated

Kate Upton nearly froze to death during the 2013 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue that was located in Antarctica. For some strange reason, Sports Illustrated thought it would be cool to take their cover model to the coldest place on earth and then ask her to take off all her clothes. Completely normal, right? Upton found the whole experience quite difficult to get through and said she almost froze to death. I guess that’s why she gets paid the big bucks. After the shoot was finished, she stated on the “Today” show: “When I came back I was losing hearing and eyesight because my body was shutting down, it was working so hard to keep warm.” Thankfully, she’s back to health but next time Upton, drink some whiskey during your shoot.

1. Kate Upton Didn’t Have Boobs In High School

Maybe that explains her single life in high school. The famous model stated that she’s in love with her blossoming bosom now because there were many years where she was completely flat-chested. She was even made fun of in high school for having no boobs. We’re betting those people are feeling really stupid about now. She had some serious jealousy over other girls’ boobs in high school. “I do know that when I was in junior high, I used to be made fun of for being flat-chested. Everyone would go, ‘She’s not pretty; she doesn’t have boobs!” So I always had boob envy. And when finally, I went through my growth spurt, and they appeared and I just… I loved them.”


15 Shocking Things Kate Upton Doesn't Want You To Know 15 Shocking Things Kate Upton Doesn't Want You To Know Reviewed by dinesh sanjeewa on September 26, 2016 Rating: 5

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