Ronda Rousey is a fighter… that is very well known by now, right? However, if you never knew who she was, it may be a bit jarring to know she was a natural born killer.
Look at all the things she’s done in movies, magazines, etc. She clearly looks like a star, that much is clear. She is also very good at talking, which allows many to know she is built for more than just an average life.
She is by no means a person you see as a legit athlete until you see her in action. She’s a gorgeous woman that you would love to get to know. You’d love to share time with her because she comes off as personable. She does not come off as some major star in the world of sports or even acts as if she is better than anyone else.
Sure, she could probably murder you with one chokehold if she wanted, but you don’t suspect that when looking at her.
15. Oh, This Is A Weigh-In?
You see this picture and you naturally assume she’s in the UFC because of the background. But I want you to remove the background for a second; just see Ronda. She looks as if she is modelling the latest women’s workout wear.
Her smile and grace at this weigh-in was thankfully caught on camera and we’re lucky enough to experience it. You would be surprised to know that this was a girl who would main event a show in another nation and end up getting more love than the person she fought who was from there.
14. Ronda Plays With Her Dog
When you see this image, the first thing that comes to your mind is that you see a beautiful woman playing on the beach with her dog. That is about it, right? You don’t see arguably the most dangerous unarmed woman on the planet.
Ronda Rousey is playing with her dog and it seemed that it caused quite a stir. That meant the paparazzi would show up to take pictures of her running on the beach and playing with her dog, which gave us this wonderful image we see today.
13. Ronda At Premiere
Ronda Rousey has been in a few movies, too. One of her best parts was in the movie Entourage, which of course used the same characters from the HBO series of the same name. She actually would play herself in the film, which probably made the acting easy.
This image was taken at the premiere of the film and shows Ronda looking beautiful in a dress that made sure to hit her in all the right places. If you see this picture, you think movie star, not the longest reigning UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion ever.
12. The Seduction…
When you see this image, you can see that Ronda Rousey is wearing her Judo gear. Of course, the number one thing you see here before all of that is her smile and eyes.
The seduction of the eyes and smile bring you in and it feels like she is looking into your soul. You cannot explain why you’re about to have a heart attack at this point, but trust me, it isn’t because she punched you in the chest yet. (Keyword, yet.)
You’d never imagine that she was the first American to ever win a medal in Judo at the Olympics when she won the bronze in 2008.
11. Ronda & The Case Of The Jean Shirt
Rousey is also known for being in amazing shape. This is something models have to do on a constant basis. At the height of her fame, Ronda was everywhere.
That said, it is not shocking that she would show up in a jean shirt with nothing on underneath to use her sex appeal to help sell some mags. When you see this, you could easily assume she’s a model because of how she looks. You would not realize that she once took down six men at a movie theatre one day because they were harassing her.
10. Distance Staring Hotness
Ronda Rousey seems to be pondering the mysteries of the universe by looking off into a distance. When you see this, you assume she is some sort of worldly chick that you could lay on the ground with looking up at the stars.
She has always been a person that people can relate to, due to her vibrant personality. The cool thing here is that your assumptions of her could be true and she could be kinda awesome to just talk with. By seeing this, you would never know she made a few women tap out in less than a minute in UFC competition.
9. Ronda Is In Your Window, What Do You Do?
Ronda Rousey, as we mentioned previously, was highly sought after due to her amazing career in the UFC. Of course that popularity led to many opportunities, including being an official model for Buffalo clothing line.
When you see this, you see legs and Ronda. You don’t see fighter – you see a lot more. You see your next crush, you see the girl you want to be with. You don’t see a woman that could probably break your arm in 1.2 seconds just because she wants to.
8. Ronda Makes Us Want To Work Out
As we’ve repeatedly gone over throughout the entire list, Ronda Rousey is asked to model a lot of things. Obviously she works in sports as one of the most popular athletes in the world. Naturally, photographers would love to get some pictures of her around weights.
Ronda may not seem like she has to work out as much with weights, however, she is known for strength. She came up practicing Judo, which meant that she had to always be strong and able to pick up and move people of various sizes.
Weights have been a part of her life for years. She did end up trimming down from her Olympian Judo days to the fighter we see today, but it does seem like weights are still a big part of her life and this picture makes us want to hit the gym big time.
7. Ronda Likes One Piece Swimwear
Ronda Rousey caught the attention of the magazine world as well as Hollywood. However, she is obviously an athlete. That makes her one of the top people to bring in for Sports Illustrated whenever possible.
As often as they can, they use Ronda in their magazine which only helps sales due to how drop dead gorgeous she tends to be in all of the shots she is involved in. This is not the last time you’ll see SI images pop up here.
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6. Ronda The Dominatrix?
Rousey has been in some impressive pictures since she made it in the world of sports and entertainment. She has appeared in magazines and in countless advertisements as well. Usually you seem to see her in swimsuits or random clothing if you aren’t seeing her drink a coke or something.
However, in this picture she is dressed like she would be in every single dream you may have of her. Dreams do come true little Timmy, they do come true! Of course you may not want to try anything, as she may break your entire shoulder off and feed it to the dogs. Good luck, Timmy!
5. Body Paint Makes Everything Great
ESPN’s Body Issue tends to always push the boundaries of how far they can go without ever going too far. A very popular thing to do to avoid visible nudity while giving the same affect is body paint. It is used in the pro-wrestling world a lot, but it has the same affect in the world of modelling as well.
It has become a rising trend in the world of photography due to all it provides. Ronda Rousey was nice enough to literally go out naked in front of a camera with paint covering up everything important to her.
4. What Put Ronda On The Map
Yet again, ESPN likes to push boundaries. The Body Issue is quite popular, similar to Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit issue. In this issue, ESPN has athletes from a variety of sports bare it all, tastefully of course, in the magazine. The idea behind the issue was that the makers felt that athletes were in the best shape and had great bodies, so they should be highlighted.
Unlike Playboy, clearly these athletes are covered up. In this particular issue, Ronda Rousey seemingly broke the internet when the pictures surfaced online.
These pictures above certainly tell you why people seemed to be into the images so very much.
3. Beach Lounging
One of the best things about photography these days is how much you can get away with when it comes to what you use on your models. Paint was the great thing to use before, but some sort of sheer/see-through clothing was used for Ronda Rousey this time around.
She was covered as much as possible, which made sense. Sports Illustrated used this in one of their swimsuit issues, which has gotten a bit racy over the years as they continue to push the boundaries. This was one of the first times they did it with a major sports figure, but they have had the normal models do stuff like this for a while.
2. Beaches Are Awesome
Have we ever mentioned how much we love Sports Illustrated? Seriously, have we? We probably should thank them for their years of service and wonderful images.
Ronda may have really started to prove with this image that you really don’t have to look like a fighter to be one. Here, she looked like she could be a normal beach bum, laying out in the sand somewhere in California. She could be a model or an actress, you just didn’t know.
Highlighted by her trademark smile, Rousey was captured wearing a skimpy pair of swimsuit bottoms with no top. Men everywhere gasped as their luck when they saw this for the first time.
1. THAT Ronda Rousey Maxim Image
There comes a time when iconic images are made. You see them often in sports of course. Whether it is the major Super Bowl images or NBA Championship images, etc….you always know an image that stands out above them all. Ronda Rousey may very well have taken that image with Maxim.
Taking part in one of Maxim’s issues, Ronda Rousey seemed like much more than a UFC star who could kick your butt any time she felt like it. Looking at this, you see a beautiful woman, not a person who could make you cry with at least a dozen known submissions she could easily apply any time.
This image may very well be the best of the bunch and one that you’ll want to see as often as possible.

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