The 15 Hottest Pics of A Young Jennifer Lopez That You Need To See

It’s almost hard to believe that Jennifer Lopez is 47. She’s almost 50, and to be honest she looks amazing for her age. Some people have gone as far as saying that she hasn’t aged visibly since she first stepped into the public limelight in her mid-20’s. And it’s hard to refute those claims. Looking at pictures of a young Jennifer Lopez, I find myself wondering if she’s some kind of alien… I mean seriously, the woman has not aged at all! Okay, maybe there are a few little things that have changed, but basically she’s just as sexy now as she ever was.

That’s not to say the pictures of her when she was young aren’t sexy. Far from it. She exudes a kind of youthful innocence that is tantalizing. These are pictures of a young girl whose career is just taking off, a girl full of hopes and dreams for her future in film and music. And it was only a matter of time before people noticed these incredibly hot pictures of her. These sexy photo shoots she did back in the early 90s were undoubtedly hugely beneficial for her career. It wasn’t long before she became a household name. She expanded her influence from a gorgeous actor to a music icon, all the while using her amazing body and good looks to her advantage. When you see these pictures of her as a young woman, you will understand how Jennifer Lopez managed to shoot to the top of the entertainment world.

15. Levine Photoshoot – 1995

Back in 1995, not many people knew who Jennifer Lopez was. Previously, she landed a minor role in the film My Little Girl when she was 17. She then got a permanent job as a “fly girl dancer” on the hit television series In Living Color. However, in 1993, she quit this job, where she was making reliable, good money, to pursue a career in acting. It was one hell of a leap of faith, and it turned out to be the right call. It wasn’t easy though, as she was starting from the bottom and needed some publicity. In 1995, she posed for the successful photographer Cynthia Levine. It was for a magazine geared towards teens, and Cynthia Levine has shot a lot of famous celebrities in her time. If you look at the photos, it is clear what kind of “angle” she was going for. She’s obviously trying to flaunt her sex appeal, and she’s doing a great job. Her seductive side comes off very strongly, and these pictures really helped her get more roles. With pictures like these, it’s not hard to see how she landed “leading lady” roles in the next few years.

14. Greg Hinsdale Photoshoot – 1996

In 1996, things were looking great for Jennifer Lopez. She had just starred in a film called Money Train with Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson. She was in the midst of filming Selena, a film which would earn her worldwide recognition. People were beginning to take notice. Big time photographers were approaching her, wanting to take her pictures for their magazines. One of these photographers was Greg Hinsdale. Greg is an extremely well-known fashion lifestyle photographer and he’s been around for about 25 years. That means that when he shot Jennifer Lopez, he had only been around for a few years. Both Greg Hinsdale and Jennifer Lopez were artists with tons of potential, and they both needed a little more publicity. They were a perfect match for one another. Greg is known today for capturing the energy and life of a person, and he really shows that talent here. Jennifer’s youthful glow shines in these images, and you can really get a sense of her personality, which is both intoxicating and alluring.

13. Red Carpet Dress – 1997

In 1997, Jennifer Lopez’s film career was really taking off, and she was able to begin a long line of stunning appearances on the red carpet. This dress may seem relatively tame for Jennifer Lopez’s standards, and in later years she would be seen in extremely sexual, transparent and low-cut dresses that left very little to the imagination. This dress still flaunted her curves though, and it was the starting point for a long line of extremely sexy dresses that seemed to get more and more revealing each year. She really earned her place in the spotlight in 1997. She had been a very busy girl, with films such as Blood And Wine and U-Turn. But her breakthrough was really cemented with her role in Selena, which was released in 1997 and earned her worldwide praise for her performance. 1997 was the year that launched her into the world of Hollywood, and after this her success would continue to build steadily with more and more roles.

12. U-Turn – 1997

People really took notice of Jennifer Lopez after her performance in U-Turn. She definitely showed off her sex appeal, and her seductive performance helped propel into to her role today as a sex icon. U-Turn featured Jennifer Lopez’s first sex scene, and it was this scene that really stole the show for the whole movie. The film features actors like Joaquin Phoenix and Billy Bob Thorton. It’s a crime-thriller, with a lot of twists and turns, and Jennifer Lopez’s character is actually quite interesting. It is revealed that Jennifer Lopez’s husand in the movie is actually her father, and he’d been sexually abusing her since she was a child before marrying her. No one knew she was his daughter because she was an illegitimate child. There are sex scenes with her and her “father,” and also sex scenes with her and another man. It was a pretty smart move for her to do sex scenes this early in her career, because it really got people talking about her and this was great publicity. Screenshots from this movie are some of the hottest pictures of a young Jennifer Lopez.

11. Barry King Photoshoot – 1997

Lopez took advantage of all the publicity she was getting in 1997 by doing even more photo shoots. As she was getting more and more well-known in the film industry, more and more photographers were fighting for the opportunity to shoot her. Some of these photographers were extremely well-known, like Barry King. Barry King is a Los Angeles-based photographer who has shot tons of celebrities during his career, like Christian Bale, Cher, Robert Downey Jr., and many more. But much like Jennifer Lopez, he was just getting stared back in the mid-90’s. Jennifer Lopez was a perfect opportunity for him to shoot someone who he knew would be extremely famous one day, and this would help him in his career as well. The pictures have a definite sexual vibe to them. As you can tell, there is a trend emerging here: Jennifer Lopez’s photo shoots keep getting sexier and sexier, and involve less and less clothing. This trend would continue up to present day. Was it just the fact that the 90’s were a period of increased sexualization compared to previous years? Or was this a conscious effort by Lopez to gain more and more publicity? In any case, these pictures are some of the sexiest pictures of a young Jennifer Lopez.

10. Red Carpet Dress – 1998

In 1998, Lopez was back on the red carpet, with an even sexier dress than before. As you can see, her dress is pretty much transparent, and this was the continuation of a trend for Lopez where she would reveal more and more with each passing red carpet dress. On the night this picture was taken, Lopez was one of the most talked about up-and-coming stars of Hollywood. By this time, she was adding many more movies to her credit list, including Out of Sight with George Clooney, which she had just began work on. It was also around this time that she provided the voice for one of the main characters in the animated film Antz. The fact that she wore this dress says one thing: She wanted people to take notice. And the dress really got that job done. Her entire body is on display, as you can see right through the material to her flowing hips and supple breasts. It was also around this time that she started to experiment with dying her hair. Eventually, as we all know, she would become blonde, and you can see the potential of a new hair color to really increase her sex appeal.

9. GQ Magazine – 1998

One of Jennifer Lopez’s most defining moments was when she posed for GQ magazine in 1998. This was undoubtedly the biggest magazine that had ever featured Jennifer Lopez, and it was a sign of her increasing fame. The whole world was beginning to take notice. And with an outfit like that, it was hard for people not to. Her love and obsession with transparent clothes was beginning to become Jennifer Lopez’s trademark. She seemed to revel in letting the whole world see through her clothing, to her sexy panties and bra. Now, she wasn’t just letting people know she was sexy, she was reminding them of, it drilling it in to people’s brains so it would never be forgotten. This fearless attitude resulted in some controversy after her famous interview with Movieline. She brought up the fact that she was outraged that George Clooney was making so much more than her for Out of Sight. She wanted 5 million, but production dismissed these demands as ridiculous. Meanwhile, George Clooney made a reported 10 million off that movie.

8. Wayne Stambler Photoshoot – 1998

1998 was a great year for Jennifer Lopez, as she was filming more and more movies, getting more and more publicity, and her photo shoots were getting sexier and sexier by the day. During this time, she got in contact with Wayne Stambler. Wayne is a very famous photographer who has shot a huge range of celebrities. In the past, he’s shot Cameron Diaz, Robin Williams, Anthony Hopkins, Jamie Foxx, and many more. Back in 1998, Wayne Stambler was already a very well-known photographer, so to even get the opportunity to work with him was a sign that Jennifer Lopez was rising into the top ranks of Hollywood celebrities. And she really turned heads with this photo shoot. Before, Jennifer Lopez wore transparent dresses over her lingerie. Now, she was doing away with the dress altogether, and showing what her body looked like stripped down to the most negligible of clothing.

7. Premiere Of Out Of Sight – 1998

Some of the most iconic pictures of Lopez are the ones taken at the premiere of Out of Sight. She looked so happy, so proud, and extremely accomplished. She also looked incredibly sexy in her dress, and maybe it was a combination of both these factors that made her look so ravishing that night. She had every reason to be happy. Out of Sight was a major success, and it really showed off her acting ability. The movie was based on a book by the well-known crime novelist Elmore Leonard. It was a gritty film, full of dark themes and dramatic nuances, and perfect for showing off an actor’s talent. It was nominated for two Academy Awards. It was also a box office success, grossing 77.7 million dollars on a budget of 48 million. Today, it has a 93% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and scored highly on other reviewing services. Jennifer Lopez received praise for her performance, with critics applauding her mixture of seduction and grit.

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6. Red Carpet Dress – 1999

Another year passed, and more success in Jennifer Lopez’s career was marked with the emergence of one her sexiest red carpet dresses ever. The dress was ridiculously low cut, and it looked like her breasts would spill out at any second. Although her breasts were undoubtedly held in place by pins, it was hard to take your eye off her, in the vain hope that something would slip out into view. 1999 was a year of much more commercial success for Jennifer Lopez, not just in the film industry, but in the music industry too. It was in 1999 that she launched her singing career. In fact, she pretty much took a break from acting altogether to focus on establishing herself as a pop star. She did this with amazing ease. If you look at pictures of her on the red carpet in 1999, she has the look of a woman who has done it all. That almost smug smile is no doubt a result of her victory in conquering the entire entertainment world. She’s come a long way since her humble beginnings.

5. Vibe Magazine – 1999

Jennifer Lopez knew she had to really up the ante in terms of getting publicity, and her photo shoot with Vibe magazine shows how far she was willing to go to make her music career successful. Vibe magazine focuses a lot on the music industry, so it was the perfect platform to help her start her music career. At this point in time, Vibe magazine was only 6 years old, so finding an up-and-coming star like Jennifer Lopez to shoot was crucial to Vibe’s success as much as it was to Jennifer Lopez’s career. The photo shoot was conducted by the well-known photographer Firooz Zahedi. Firooz is a successful photographer of Iranian descent, and he has a very impressive resume. In the past, he’s taken pictures of Angelina Jolie, Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicole Kidman, and many more. In the photo shoot with Jennifer Lopez, Firooz focused on capturing her sexuality, ballooning it to epic proportions. In the past, Jennifer Lopez had worn transparent clothing, but always with some form of clothing on underneath to hide her nudity. In the photo shoot with Vibe, her nipples are just barely covered underneath a mesh top. These pictures definitely helped launch her music career.

4. ‘On The 6’ Album Cover – 1999

When her first album was launched, fans were treated to a very revealing album cover, another way Jennifer Lopez used her sexuality to help make herself a commercial success. If you were browsing through CDs in 1999, this one would immediately get your attention, and that’s exactly what she wanted. Her debut album, On The 6, was released shortly after her debut single, If You Had My Love. She was taking a major risk with the release of this album. If it proved to be a huge flop, it would embarrass her and harm her career. But if she was successful, it would launch her into even greater heights. When the album was released, all doubts were thrown aside, as Jennifer Lopez proved that she wasn’t just a sexy actress, she was actually a very talented singer as well. On the album were gems such as Waiting For Tonight, which some people say is her best song of all time. In the end, On The 6 was a major boost to her career, making her even more popular than she already was.

3. Grammy Awards Dress – 2000

She had worn some sexy dresses in the past years, but in 2000 she really raised the bar, not just for her, but for the entire entertainment industry. Everyone was talking about this dress weeks after the awards, and it really stole the show. In fact, in a recent survey it was voted the 5th most iconic dress of all time. In addition, the dress was so popular and so talked about that millions of people took to the internet to find pictures of it. The only way they could find it was by typing it into google search, and later it was discovered that it was the most searched for thing on the internet at the time. Since there was no real social media sites like Twitter or Instagram at the time, this was the equivalent of Jennifer Lopez going completely viral. Even more impressive was the fact that when google realized that everyone was using google to search for pictures of Jennifer Lopez in her iconic dress, they added an all new feature: the google image search. That’s right, google image search was invented because of Jennifer Lopez’s hotness. 

2. Rolling Stone Magazine – 2001

In 2001, Jennifer Lopez turned 32, but she showed no sign of slowing down. Another thing that she showed no signs of was the natural aging process that all humans are supposed to exhibit. She looked every bit as sexy and as youthful as she did in her mid-20’s. At this point, many people were wondering how the hell this was even possible. In 2001, Jennifer Lopez was a name that everyone knew, all around the world. She had finally made it. It was around this time that people started calling her “J-Lo.” Also in 2001, she did a photo shoot with Rolling Stone Magazine, which is considered one of her sexiest ever. You know you’ve made it big when you get featured in Rolling Stone Magazine, and she certainly used this opportunity to show off that she was still incredibly sexy in her 30’s. She went with a tribal theme to her photo shoot, undoubtedly in an attempt to provoke the most primal reactions from her male fans. It worked.

1. FHM Magazine – 2001

Also in the year of 2001, Jennifer Lopez posed for FHM magazine. This magazine is famous for one thing: sexy pictures of celebs. And Jennifer Lopez’s pictures were every bit as sexy as any celebrity that had previously posed for the magazine. She wore an incredibly sexy white bikini that seemed to get more and more transparent the more she played around in the ocean. There’s something about hot babes and water that results in unrelenting hotness. And with Jennifer Lopez supplying the hot babe part of the equation, it really couldn’t get much better. This picture was taken 15 years ago, but it seems like it was yesterday. Maybe that’s because if you look at pictures of Jennifer Lopez today, it seems like it actually was yesterday. After this point in time, we can’t really classify Jennifer Lopez as being “young,” but her photos didn’t get any less hot. She started wearing more and more revealing dresses (yes, it’s possible to raise the bar even further from what we’ve shown you), and she’s done even sexier photo shoots. But there’s still a certain charm to pictures of a young Jennifer Lopez that is wonderfully unique…


The 15 Hottest Pics of A Young Jennifer Lopez That You Need To See The 15 Hottest Pics of A Young Jennifer Lopez That You Need To See Reviewed by dinesh sanjeewa on November 12, 2016 Rating: 5

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