Miss BumBum Contestants Flaunt Their Massive Butts, Including an Amputee Ahead of the Competition in Brazil

The organisers of the popular Brazilian competition, Miss Bumbum, have released jaw-dropping photos of the contestants flaunting their massive butts ahead of the official launch of this year's competition.
Supprinsgly, one of the contestants identified as Rubia Machado, is an amputee who lost one of her legs from the knee down after she was run over by a former lover a decade ago.
Despite her challenge, Rubia and her massive butt are obviously ready to partake in the contest in Sao Paulo’s famous Paulista Avenue next month.

Miss BumBum Contestants Flaunt Their Massive Butts, Including an Amputee Ahead of the Competition in Brazil Miss BumBum Contestants Flaunt Their Massive Butts, Including an Amputee Ahead of the Competition in Brazil Reviewed by dinesh on July 26, 2017 Rating: 5

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