Kim Kardashian accused of making daughter North look thinner with Photoshop

Kim Kardashian accused of making daughter North look thinner with Photoshop

Kim Kardashian has been accused of using Photoshop to edit her 5-year-old daughter's frame and make her appear slimmer.

Kim was called out by Instagram site @fakegirlsfvckya after she posted a seemingly altered snap of North West on Instagram. Social media users commented, pointing out that North's young frame appeared to have been taken in to make her belly look smaller.

However, a source close to the Kim told Mail Online that the mother-of-three would never mess with pictures of her kids and that the photo was altered by the fan site that Kim reposted it from, not by Kim herself.

Kim Kardashian accused of making daughter North look thinner with Photoshop
The original photo taken by Paparazzi
Kim Kardashian accused of making daughter North look thinner with Photoshop
Kim Kardashian accused of making daughter North look thinner with Photoshop Kim Kardashian accused of making daughter North look thinner with Photoshop Reviewed by dinesh on January 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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