Top 20 Hot Photos of Former WWE Diva Maryse

Maryse burst onto the scene in WWE during the 2006 Raw Diva Search. While the contest was eventually won by Layla, she was still offered a contract by WWE and began training at their developmental territory which at the time was called FCW. As you’re about to see, with her looks, it’s easy to see why the WWE didn’t want to let her go.

She had no wrestling experience when she tried out for WWE which meant that she had to be trained fully for almost two years before she could make her first Smackdown appearance.

WWE played off her French-Canadian roots and she quickly became one of the biggest heel Divas on the brand. It’s also no coincidence that WWE decided to create the Divas Championship merely months after her debut.

She became a big hit with the WWE Universe over the next few years which culminated in her winning her first Divas Championship, and in the process becoming the first ever French-Canadian Diva to hold the belt. This incidentally saw her switched over to Raw in 2009, it’s here that she truly shone on WWE’s flagship show. Her hard work paid off and she became the longest reigning Divas Champion in history, a title she held for almost five years.

Maryse then lifted the title again in 2010, becoming the first ever Diva to have held the championship twice, another record that had a lengthy span. After she dropped the Championship to Eve Torres, Maryse noticeably became less and less active on WWE’s main roster and instead had made the switch to NXT. She was then released from her WWE contract merely months later in October 2011 after having a hernia surgery.

Maryse held two big records during her time in WWE and has already assured her place in WWE’s history. Yet as talented as she was in the ring, she may have been even better in front of a camera.

Here are twenty of the best photos of Maryse that were taken during her stint in the spotlight.

20. Haters Wanted

Maryse met and began dating The Miz or Mike Mizanin during her time in WWE and the couple officially married in January 2014. Let’s hope things aren’t awkward because has Maryse left the company and Miz is still a big part of proceedings.

Maryse and Miz were never a part of WWE programming together and were never given a storyline so that the duo could bask in the spotlight together, but they still managed pose for photos wearing his shirt. There were rumours back in 2015 that Maryse could be making a return to WWE to be a part of story lines concerning her husband, but nothing has been confirmed as of now.

19. One Sexy Pearl Necklace

If you think that WWE Divas look hot when they pose in bikinis, I imagine the above photo is enough to leave you speechless.

Maryse was a different kind of Diva and was not afraid to spice things up when the time was right. After seeing the above photo, who are we to argue with her. She did things in much more unique ways than any Diva had ever done before her; maybe that’s why she was so successful?

But it can be seen here as she takes part in a much different raunchy shoot, this attire is definitely more suitable to the bedroom then on the beach.  The way she adds pearls to the attire also makes it look much more risque and alluring.

18. Divas Champion

Maryse held the record for the longest reign as Divas Champion when she won the Championship in 2009 and held it for 216 days. This reign included her being out with an injury for a few weeks, but it still wasn’t beaten in the WWE until AJ Lee’s 295 day record in 2014. Lee’s record was then surpassed by Nikki Bella’s 301 day run in 2015.

Maryse also held the record as the first Diva to win the title twice, but this record was quickly beaten since AJ Lee who now holds the record as a three time Champion. That being said, Maryse was the first one to do it which means her place in history is already confirmed. Posing in the sexy green dress above, it proves that all eyes will be on her even if she isn’t wearing a championship belt.

17. That Accent

Maryse was one of the most popular WWE Divas during her time with the company, and is still considered to be in the top five voted for women to make a return to the company some day.

This could be due to the fact that she is absolutely stunning and she was a talented in-ring performer, but it could also be due to the fact that she had an incredible accent, being that she was French-Canadian and hailed from Montreal, Quebec.

Either way, this image shows just why the WWE Universe prays that someday Maryse will make a return. There is nothing wrong with rocking some cleavage, especially when you look like Maryse. Let’s just hope that’s a key to her heart!

16. That Pose

Since her debut, Maryse burst onto WWE’s radar as a very convincing heel superstar.  One of the reasons for her success was because she adopted a pose where she would put either one or both of her hands out as a way to tell fans to back off.

Maryse’s character acted like she was so much better than everyone else and especially the WWE Universe. When she looked the way that she did, combined with a similar attitude, it is easy to see why she pulled this off. The following image shows that she that she can look absolutely incredible regardless of the pose she is attempting to create.

15. Ring Attire

Every WWE Diva develops her own ring attire as a way to stand out from the crowd. Because Maryse’s debut was after WWE made all female matches PG, her attire wasn’t allowed to include any skirts.

Her attire was instead a unique design and showed that she knew exactly how to stand out in a place that wasn’t specifically designed for women. This is thought to have been one of the main reasons for her success in such a short space of time.

The following image shows her ring attire after she won her first WWE Divas Championship, this style of continued to evolve throughout her short WWE career, but there is no doubting that she was a knockout.

14. Stand Out

There is an easy way to spot someone who is a natural standout from the crowd, in comparison to someone who just kind of blends in. One way to really tell how beautiful someone can be, is by looking and seeing if they stand out in life; even when the spotlight is not directly on them.

The following image shows Maryse wearing normal everyday clothing and posing for some kind of shoot while leaning against a wall. The clothing may not be elaborate or ‘sexy’, but once again she looks absolutely stunning. It is clear that Maryse is the kind of beautiful that radiates no matter what she wears.

13. That Entrance

As well as her catchy entrance music, unique ring attire and pose, Maryse also had her own way of entering the ring.

As she climbed through the ropes she would hold onto the top rope and then flick her hair over the top of itself before waiting for it to then land and lifting her head up and smiling.

This became a stand out part of the Divas entrance and was often mocked by other Divas during various feuds, but was still unique to her. She had found a way to make her entrance unique without having to show off her athleticism or flexibility, which worked well for her as a heel.

12. Bikini Photo Shoot

Divas photo shoots seemed like they were a fun addition to the job of being a WWE Diva, but the most fun shoots were usually released around SummerSlam.

This was where the WWE Divas would all be around a pool having fun or even in the pool swimming and fighting. Either way, the women looked like they were naturally having a good time.

Maryse was the type of Diva who didn’t enjoy being a part of the colourful summer pictures and so decided a black bikini was a much better option. While this means she may not have photos of her in a pool surrounded by Divas, she does have photos like the one above, which we should all be very grateful for.

11. Public Appearances

Public appearances were another fun addition to WWE’s Divas calendars and while these often included fan meet and greets, they were also a part of many film premieres which gave them a chance to dress up for the cameras without having to wrestle.

Maryse was one of the Divas that was asked to attend many of these events and as the following picture shows, you can see why. When she is asked to dress up, she is rarely seen looking anything but absolutely fantastic. This image was taken back in 2006 when she was just starting out as part of WWE.

10. Hottest Woman in WWE History?

Maryse was once voted the eighth hottest woman in WWE History, and given that that is a long history of some of the most beautiful women to ever grace TV screens, that is an incredible achievement.

When Maryse takes part in photo shoots like the following image, it makes it easy to see why fans would vote her so highly. Once again in her own unique way Maryse is pictured in the shortest pair of shorts in the history of clothing and a rather short top. If this wasn’t hot enough, she appears to be dripping wet and looking like she’s standing outside of a shower.

9. 9th Best Wrestler?

Maryse was ranked number nine of the best 50 female singles wrestlers in the PWI Female 50 in 2009. Considering Maryse was brought into the spotlight through WWE’s annual Diva Search and didn’t have a background in the sport, it is an incredible achievement that she has been noticed for her talent.

Maryse spent years training and learning wrestling as a skill after WWE signed her to the company despite the fact that she didn’t win the Diva search back in 2007.

The fact that she then went on to become a two-time Divas Champion is s testament to how hard she worked at the craft to become so good at it.

8. Ladders

Is it the fact that ladders can be scary objects when used as a weapon or the fact that WWE highlights this in one of their most famous matches? Either way many WWE Divas seem to think that they are the most appropriate object to decide to pose against.

Maryse was one of these Divas and once again she is shown leaning against a ladder in what looks like her regular clothing. Many photo shoots see Divas wearing a version of clothing that matches up with their on-screen personality or character and it seems as though Maryse has hers spot on here.

7. Flawless

Naturally pale skinned women often manage to look flawless when they are involved in white photo shoots, this is usually because their skin color reacts to the colours around and it gives off an amazing effect.

This is when they are wearing white clothing , the camera filter can be used to create an amazing natural effect to match up with their skin tone.

As Maryse shows here, she is one of those naturally flawless women. Her hair is tied back so as to show off her incredible facial features as the entire picture focuses on her face and bleach blonde hair.

6. Playboy Playmate

Maryse is one of the odd exceptions where a Diva has been a part of Playboy before they were signed by WWE, but they have turned a blind eye to the fact.

She was a part of Playboy back in 2005 which was a few years before she entered WWE’s Diva Search, but she has a rich history of beauty pageants and magazine covers.

In 2003 she was voted Miss Hawaiian Tropic Canada, she then reached the international finals of the competition in 2004. In 2007 she was once again approached by Playboy to be on the cover of the “Playboy Girls of Canada” calendar.

5. Life After WWE

Maryse left WWE back in 2011 and she then spent the time studying to get her real estate licence. She achieved her goal in 2012 and has since been working as a realtor in Los Angeles.

This seems to be a popular job for WWE Divas, since an episode of Total Divas showed that Nikki Bella was also hoping to gain a licence in real estate. Hard to blame Divas being smart and realizing that once their career with the WWE winds down, that it may be nice to have another job to fall back on.

Maryse has proved how smart she is many times and now rather than depending on her husband who is still under contract with WWE she is asserting her independence.

4. Heavy Chains

There is nothing like a woman holding a heavy chain to show you that she is a lot more dominant than she manages to look.

Maryse completely proves this theory here as she is pictured holding a chain over her shoulders, showing her strength. Not to mention showing off her sexiness while wearing nothing but a very small pair of silver shorts and a black bikini style top.

The picture is made to look like it could have been taken in a basement somewhere, but she still manages to look like dominating force that WWE were hoping the photo would portray.

3. Perfection

Bikinis may be one of the most overdone outfits in WWE, especially when it’s as part of their Divas photo shoots, but some of these images stand out above all of the rest.

Maryse and her pink bikini are clearly no exception when it comes to stunning looks.  While some may argue that she looks slightly Photoshopped, but still looks lifelike enough to see that she has flawless skin and an incredible muscular stature for someone who hasn’t been a wrestler for very long.

The sparkles on the bikini gives off a nice touch to the image, but no matter what outfit or pose, she looks naturally beautiful and flawless.

2. Best Assets

Maryse definitely always knew what her best assets were. As if there was any doubt, her ring attire made sure that she was always showing the fans exactly what they wanted to see. The above image proves that they really were some of the best assets in the company at that time.

She is shown here in just her bikini and posing against a rock. Clearly showing off why she is considered to have one of the best bodies in the business. She has an incredible figure and looks absolutely stunning in what looks to be a magazine photos shoot during her time with WWE. No matter what the occasion was, we just want there to be more photos like it!

1. Stockings

What is it about stockings that they make women look better with their legs covered than they manage to when they are off?

This seems to be the rule as Maryse shows off her incredible legs in this photo. She is seen wearing an amazing two-piece underwear set that looks vintage, while also holding pearls and sitting on a sofa bed.

The thought is that Maryse is going for the innocent look here, but there is no doubting her seductive look. Even though she played a very convincing heel during her time in the WWE, it is clear that she could pull off whatever type of look she wanted.


Top 20 Hot Photos of Former WWE Diva Maryse Top 20 Hot Photos of Former WWE Diva Maryse Reviewed by dinesh sanjeewa on March 24, 2016 Rating: 5

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