15 Things You Didn't Know About Game of Thrones Star Sophie Turner

Sophie Turner may not be a name you’re very familiar with. Sophie is a hit on one of the greatest shows in HBO history, Game of Thrones. Her character’s name is Sansa Stark, one of the daughters of Ned Stark (Sean Bean) and the girl trying to take over the North (the one’s who watch will know what I am talking about).

She plays a major role in the show and has been through a lot to come together with her step-brother, John Snow. Sophie Turner was born in Northampton, England, and grew up in Warwick. Sophie is now 20 years old. She went to Kings High School in Warwick.

Like I had said, she got her breakthrough when she was casted in Game of Thrones and it was her first real career hit. At first, she wasn’t standing out. Now, because her name is in turmoil (on the show), she is growing in strength and is trying to bring back the prestige of her father’s legacy as “Queen” of the North. These are all things you know about Sophie Turner’s character, of course, if you are watching the show. Now, we look at 15 things you didn’t know about the red-haired beauty that stars in Game of Thrones.

15. She’s Never Studied Drama

Ever since Sophie was three years old, she has been acting. She started acting at a local theatre where she pursued her dream of becoming an actor. Like all kids, she was attending Kings High School and learning but she was always at the theatre, working on her game. Many actors not only start by acting at a young age, but they also read drama. Drama is a big genre when it comes to movies and in Game of Thrones, since drama plays a major role in the plot. Sophie Turner has actually never read drama or learned about it. She claims that just by working on Game of Thrones, it’s a drama lesson in itself. It truly is surprising that she is such a good actor, which is a key genre in many popular movies and TV shows.


14. A Model

She’s been acting ever since she was little kid, but little did she know she would be gorgeous enough to model. With her pretty red hair and her bright blue eyes, she found herself a job as a model for Karen Mill’s Fall 2015 Campaign. I am not surprised she picked to play this role in the campaign, because she is truly gorgeous. She shows her natural beauty on Game of Thrones and on the red carpet, too. She is recognized as a beautiful woman and truly deserved to be in the campaign to show off her beauty. She’s a great actor and she definitely puts a lot of effort in her work.


13. Getting Signed On

The Playbox Theatre was where it all started and her mentors gave her the strength to be where she is as an actress today. She has worked relentlessly ever since she was a little girl, getting advice from whoever she could because she wanted it so bad. Most actors and actresses always get the call when they are just relaxing in their homes, anxiously waiting for the phone to ring. Sophie Turner was on a vacation with her family in France enjoying themselves, not really expecting anything but just some family time and no distractions. At the time, she was 13 years old and had recently auditioned for Game of Thrones. She was laying in her bed and had recently woken up. Her mother runs in the room with excitement while on the phone and breaks the news to Sophie that she had been called up to be an actress on the show. Sophie was in tears and all she did was just jump up and down.


12. Her First Home

Sophie Turner was born in Northampton, England to Sally, her mother, who was a nursery school teacher. Her father worked for a pallet distribution company. The house that she lived in was very small and the population was even smaller. In the city, there was only a windmill and a church. Believe it or not, there more animals than there were people.  Now that is a small population. Later, when she was two years old, she moved to Warwick, where she went to Warwick prep school for two years and then went on to Kings High School for Girls, where she became interested in acting. She has two brothers and when she lived in Northampton, she and her brothers constantly played together, whether it be in the mud or with the animals.


11. Movie Star

Sophie Turner is a huge hit on Game of Thrones and keeps climbing as a great actress in the world. At first, she was weak and not recognized. Towards the 4th and 5th season, she became somebody and is now a main character viewers are anxious to know about. Because of her success, many directors are anxiously trying to pick her up for their movies. As a matter of fact, she stars in the new X-Men movie, X-Men: Apocalypse. She stars as Jean Grey in the movie and is expected to play a huge role to make a great movie. X-Men is a great series that people are willing to watch.


10. Best Friends With Maisie

All members of Game of Thrones show how much they enjoy working and acting. She does, however, have a best friend out of the actors on Game of Thrones – Maisie Williams, otherwise known as Arya Stark. The way Game of Thrones works is that all of the major characters have their own story and Arya has her own story, and is one day hoping to meet up with Sansa again. Off the screen, Sophie and Maisie are best friends who love being around each other and enjoy each other’s company. On the show, their chemistry is strong because believe it or not, they are sisters, hence the last name, Stark. They were together during the first season, and the next thing you know, separation caused them to go into two different worlds.


9. Her Twin Sister

What’s surprising is that she was supposed to have a twin sister growing up but unfortunately, her twin sister had passed away at birth. This is very upsetting for the young actress because it has affected her dramatically. Maybe if she had her twin sister, they would be ruling the Game of Thrones world together. Sophie always thinks about her twin sister. Whenever she is acting, she is always in the back of her mind. When she does emotional scenes, she thinks about her twin sister to make her emotions look very realistic.


8. Acting At A Young Age

She was in the Playbox Theatre for many years and she always knew that it would be her obsession. Her first lead was in a production called Scary Play, directed by Stewart McGill. She also stated that the Playbox is a fun environment. She has praised her start up by saying that the company was very free-flowing and that they encouraged their actors to be themselves. She even played a role in one of the greatest plays of all time, The Wizard of Oz. Her mom had said she was very funny as the scarecrow.


7. Game of Thrones Came First

The Playbox Theatre Company was great for Sophie because it allowed her to get a lot of experience as an actress and become something. She learned to be herself and was involved in multiple roles in multiple plays and acts. The amount of experience was enough for her to get a role on the GOT series. There was, however, an audition process. The Playbox put her through a lot of auditions and her drama teacher pulled through by getting her the Game of Thrones audition. She did a lot of chemistry tests but of course, the auditions were really intense.


6. Music Video With Bastille

Sophie starred in the British rock band Bastille’s music video for “Oblivion.” This song was one of the singles from their hit debut album, Bad Blood. Bastille is very popular not only in Britain but also in the United States. She lip-syncs the song at a demolition derby arena. Other Game of Thrones cast members were involved also including Arya Stark (Maisie Williams), Talisa (Oona Chaplin), and Liam Cunningham (Davos). She has always had a love for music and she claims that she always sleeps beside a speaker system. She apparently “can’t go five minutes without music.”


5. Game of Thrones Wedding: A Nightmare

In the show, marriage is a vital part in gaining power for your own house, and in this case, for the House of Stark. The Lannister’s rule the throne of the seven kingdoms and they have a lot of power in their hands. Sansa was forced to marry Tyrion Lannister or Peter Dinklage, the funny midget that makes this show great. During shooting, it was a nightmare for the wedding. It took 10 hours to finish up because of the trouble Sophie had with her dress. She considered it to be very embarrassing and HBO even sent her a card saying, “Congratulations on your fake wedding day!”


4. Rap Battles With Joffrey

In the show, Sophie’s character absolutely despises Joffrey due to his cruel acts and rude talk, however, off the set, he is known as one of the kindest, most polite people you could ever wish to meet. When the camera isn’t rolling, Sophie and Jack Gleeson (Joffrey), have rap battles for fun. They make their own raps, even though they know they are really bad. But of course, they do it to have fun. While Sophie is giving the beat, Jack is rapping his heart out about either Winnie the Pooh or all of the money he has on the show. Sophie says she feels bad for the crew with headphones because they know their rapping isn’t the best quality. It is the effort that counts.


3. Allergic To Horses

Many people in the world are allergic to something or they can’t eat something because of the way their body works. Well, Sophie is one of those people. Sophie is allergic to horses. This, of course, is an issue because on the show, horses are the number one source of transportation to get from city to city. In this world, there are lots of dragons and white walkers, but, the horses seem to be the issue for Sophie. She always keeps her inhaler in handy because when she is near a horse, it is affects her. For the sake of the show, she fights through the scenes that she needs to in order for the show to keep rolling. She can’t seem to really do anything about it. But, for sure, it is better than seeing her own father’s head on a pike.


2. Dire Wolf As A Pet?

People love having a pet of some sort, whether it be a cat, or a dog, or even a fish. People love to cuddle with their pets and have something cute they can lay in bed with. Sophie, like other people, is also into pets. She actually adopted one of the dogs that was used on the show – a dire wolf. These dire wolves are beautiful and very friendly. In the show, each of the Stark kids have their own dire wolves and they play a major part in the family because they are protectors for the kids. When one of the dog’s were put to sleep in the show, Sophie’s mother convinced the producers to let them adopt the dog that was “killed,” to keep as part of the Turner family.


1. Natural Blondie

Actors are known for changing appearances all the time, whether it be plastic surgery, or butt implants. Sophie Turner, in order for her role to work in the show, had to dye her hair the auburn color she has now. She originally has blonde hair and this appearance change meant a lot for her character’s role. She does plan on going back to being blonde. Of course, with the red hair, when she is in London on her break from the show, she is recognized by a lot of fans on the streets when she is walking around. The reason she needs the bright red hair she has on the show is so that it shows the genes of the Tully family. Most of the families are connected in some way and this is the way that the producers show how she is related to them.


15 Things You Didn't Know About Game of Thrones Star Sophie Turner 15 Things You Didn't Know About Game of Thrones Star Sophie Turner Reviewed by dinesh sanjeewa on July 01, 2016 Rating: 5

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