15 Hottest Female Surfers You Might See On The Beach This Summer

There are a few things that we all know to be true. The sun will come up in the morning, sooner or later we all will die, and surfer girls are totally hot.

Summer is upon us, and with summer comes beach time. While there are many hot women at the beach there is one type of woman that is hotter than all the rest, and that is the surfer. Has there ever been a woman that surfs that is not hot? Possibly, but looking for a woman that surfs that is not hot is kind of like looking for a unicorn. And it is not just how hot surfers tend to be- they are also almost always totally cool.

A surfer girl is someone that you want to hang out with, and not just go out with. You can take any type of woman out there, a model, an actress, a singer, and none of them are as prized a catch as a surfer girl.

So what are you waiting for? Hit the beach! You might want to work out a bit before you go, though, and maybe work on your tan a little bit first. In fact you even might want to practice a bit on your board, because you don't want to look like a rookie out there. You need to pull yourself together, because when you are at the beach, who knows who you might see. Here's our list of the 15 hottest female surfers that you might see on the beach this summer. Even if you can't hit some gnarly waves, you'll always have this.

15. Chloe Chapman

Chloe Chapman is not a world class surfer, but she is a surfer nonetheless, and when you look like she does, you simply have to make this list.  She has an absolutely amazing body, which is pretty much the norm for all of the women on this list, but even with that being the case, Chloe makes you do a double-take. She has a swimwear line and on her website is says "Chloé was raised in a very close-knit family of mum and dad, 1 brother and 2 sisters on the picturesque Northern Beaches of Sydney. She was born to be a sun, ocean and beach worshipper and has a love for everything that the beach culture has to offer, especially that perfect suit. She studied events, media and communication and has a strong background in fashion, marketing and advertising having previously worked at a publishing firm." Overall, we still like to see her surf.

14. Bruna Schmitz

Next on this list of ridiculously hot surfers is Bruna Schmitz, who is a surfer and a model from Brazil. To learn a little more about her, her bio from Roxy.com "Bruna Schmitz turns heads both in and out of the water. Her big backhand hits and stylish forehand snaps equally match her natural, Brazilian poise as a model. She put in two years on the elite World Tour in 2009 and 2010, and Sports Illustrated showcased her beauty in the 2011 Swimsuit Issue. Bruna grew up surfing a long, right hand wave in the small town of Matinhos, Brazil. By the age of 14, Bruna was already the youngest athlete to win a professional event in Brazil. She kicked off her pro career at the age of 15, traveling and competing internationally. In just two years, Bruna made the ASP World Tour." Oh, yeah, there is one more thing they forgot to mention, she is incredibly hot.

13. Malia Manuel

Malia has that girl next door vibe, if you live next door to a modeling agency.  If you want to know more about her check out her website where it says: "At the age of 8, she began surfing in contests and fell in love with the surfing industry. 'I never planned on being a professional surfer, it kind of chose me', says Malia. 'I've been competing since I was 8 years old and to now be one of the 17 Women going for the World Title, seems pretty surreal still.'" Aside from surfing, Malia artistically paints her own surf boards with a Hawaiian/Polynesian theme- inscribed somewhere in her paintings is the word "KAUNU". The word, which means "passion" in Hawaiian, embodies her happy-go-lucky spirit. She also is an avid yoga student and runner. Whether it's hiking in the mountains, going to yoga, or running, Malia is the true spirit of island aloha and grace. It's rare to see her without a smile on her face or doing something other than creating beauty through her art, sport activities, or surfing."  All we know is that we'd watch Malia do any single, one of these activities.

12. Alana Blanchard

Let's keep this party rolling with Alana Blanchard, who undoubtedly is one of the hottest women that is competing in this, or any other sport. Alana is a surfer and also a model. Really? What a surprise, I never would have guessed. Alana was present when surfer Bethany Hamilton
suffered the shark attack that caused her to lose her arm.  She has won championships in the Women's Pipeline Championships, the Rip Curl Girls Festival Junior Pro, the Roxy Pro Trials, the Billabong Pro Pre Trials and the Volcom Pufferfish Surf Series. That last one doesn't sound that impressive. The Pufferfish Surf Series? Come on! Well, any way that you cut it, Alana is without a doubt a champion at being a smoke-show.

11. Quincy Davis

Quincy is a surfer that is from Montauk, New York- not exactly the first place that one thinks of when they think of surfing. I live in the Northeast, a stone's throw away from the Atlantic Ocean, and there are not a whole lot of surfer babes around. But then again, the ones that are around are super-hot. Quincy fits into that category for certain. But oh, wait a minute, her family owns a home in Puerto Rico, which is where they would spend all of their winters. Must be nice I suppose. She comes from a family of surfers. She used to go to the beach all the time with her family when she was young, and after watching them surf, she decided to give it a try herself. According to her wikipedia page she has "passions outside of the surf world that include music, Christmas movies and fashion." Ummm…what?

10. Sally Fitzgibbons

Sally is a surfer from Australia, who is known as one of the best surfers in the world. She has a long list of victories, and shows no sign of slowing down. She used to be a champion middle-distance runner, and also played touch football and soccer. We get the feeling they only tell us about touch football just to tease us. If any of you reading this article has ever player touch football with Sally, please let me know. Sorry, I got distracted. Sally has been winning big tournaments ever since she was 14-years old. She is truly a natural beauty and seems like a cool chick, just like pretty much all of the other women on this list, who has an incredible body. Also apparently she really likes to play touch football, did I already mention that before?

9. Anastasia Ashley

If you know anything about surfing you knew that Anastasia Ashley was going to be on this list. She knows that she is hot and has no problem showing that off. If you don't believe me, check her Instagram. Okay so this begs the question, is a surfer girl that knows she is hot less hot than a surfer girl that just is hot? You know what I mean? Part of what makes a surfer chick so hot is that they are so obviously down to earth, but if you have over a million Instagram followers and are always showing off your butt like Anastasia, does that change anything? Of course this question is just hypothetical, because she is just so darn smoking that she would be hot in any world, whether she knew it or if she didn't. Oh and also she is a pretty good surfer too- I guess I should mention that somewhere.

8. Coco Ho

Coco Ho is an excellent surfer and has won over 25 competitions in her career. I would guarantee you that Coco Ho has had numerous guys fall in love with her. Some probably have done so because of how gorgeous she is, some may have done so because she is an excellent surfer, and many probably have done so because her name is Coco Ho. Seriously, how can you resist a hot surfer named Coco Ho? Coco comes by her surfing ability naturally; she comes from a long line of surfers. Her dad was a pro surfer, her uncle was a surfing champion, and her brother is a pro surfer too. She started surfing at the age of 7 and is currently the 12th ranked surfer in the world. She in only 5'3″ inches tall, and was born in Hawaii. Also her name is Coco Ho. How cool is that?

7. Alejandra Guilmant

Alejandra has landed herself a spot on a few hottest surfer lists, even though she isn't really a surfer.This made me think for a moment I should not include her, but if Playboy called her a surfer, so can I.  The issue may be because of a video in which she dances around in a bikini with Alana Blanchard, who is also on this list. I am not sure if Alejandra even actually touches a surfboard in the entire video, but she does touch Alana a few times and as far as I am concerned that is good enough for me. I mean what is "surfing" anyway? As far as I am concerned Alejandra is pretty much the best surfer ever. If you are actually keeping track at home, Alejandra is a Mexican model, who also does a little bit of acting, but as far as I am concerned she can call herself anything she wants.

6. Ellie Jean Coffey

Ellie is known for her good looks, and also she is known for not minding selling her look to get a little bit of fame and sponsorship. She works the social media angle hard. "Nowadays it's a much easier way to brand yourself," says Ellie-Jean in Stab Magazine "Having this whole modeling lifestyle and kind of just going off what I do online has only added extra to what I was already doing." What Ellie was already doing, if you could not guess, was surfing, and also looking totally amazing. Ellie has three younger sisters, and all are social media queens; they have even been compared in the past to the Kardashians, for how hard they work the social media scene. One thing is for sure, Ellie's butt is not a whole lot like any of the Kardashians, but hey, when it comes to butts, to each his own.

5. Erica Hosseini

Erica is just gorgeous. To find out more about her check her Website where she says "I'm a 5'10" blonde hair, blue eyed goofy foot surfer from Newport Beach, California. I was born on May 24, 1987. I have an older brother Tyler and a younger sister Megan. In my younger years I split my time between Lake Tahoe and Newport Beach. My parents are very athletic and I have always been very competitive with my brother so I had an early introduction into a variety of sports. My mom, a former ski instructor, taught me to ski when I was two, and at age four I was water skiing and mountain biking. When school time came, we made a permanent move to Newport and I officially became a tomboy. I played every ball sport imaginable; soccer, baseball, basketball, volley ball, and even lacrosse. Although we lived on the beach I only surfed occasionally. It wasn't until I was eleven and got my own surfboard that I started surfing regularly." Well, I don't know about you guys, but where I come from tomboys don't look like that, that's for sure. We salute your natural athleticism, grace and sheer hotness, Erica!

4. Bree Kleintop

So Bree is pretty hot. She is so hot in fact that she is now a full-time model. This kind of stinks in a way, because as a model, she is super-hot, but a little less hot because she is just a model. This is contrary to how hot she is as a surfer, because as a surfer she is super-hot, but is even hotter because she is a surfer. If this does not make sense to you then you are going to flunk the quiz. Just go back to the beginning and start again, except this time you are not allowed to look at the pictures. She said about being a surfer and a model "It's become something I really love doing and I've gotten to work with amazing clients from all over the world. It's a bit of a juggle between the two worlds, I wear a lot of sunblock now! At heart I'll always be that surfer girl." We hope so, Bree, we hope so.

3. Nikki van Dijk

Nikki is another surfer babe on this list who certainly belongs. Are all surfers this hot? I think someone should fund some sort of scientific study to see if it is actually possible to be good at surfing and also not totally smoking.  This Australian beauty has been competing at a high level for quite a while now, she has this to say about it: "Of course surfing against all the girls as there are so many strong surfers on the QS these days, but one of the hardest parts was desperately wanting to succeed and then having setbacks. Having to overcome those setbacks for sure makes you stronger and hungrier." I actually totally understand what Nikki is trying to say here, today I had a setback when I did not sleep as late as I wanted to, but hey life goes on. Nikki, I feel your pain.

2. Laura Enever

Laura Enever is also ridiculously good looking, of course. While you might think I am bringing this whole "every surfer is hot" thing up by myself, that is just not so.  Check out this interview in which Laura was actually asked "None of the high-salaried men or women surfers are ugly. Is that a bad thing? She responded: "Marketability is everything. It sucks, kinda, but it's a market. It's about selling. It's sad when great surfers don't get sponsors, though. Sexiness sells. I think about Maria Sharapova and how she was the sexiest girl in tennis. I didn't follow tennis, but I knew Maria Sharapova because of her sexiness. She did so well for herself because she was sexy and confident and she was an amazing athlete. That's what it comes down to." Sexiness does sell indeed, and since that is the case, Laura must make a lot of sales.

1. Sage Erickson

If you look at any photo of Sage Erickson, any photo at all, you can see what an amazing body she has. Yes, she is a great surfer, sure she is. I am sure she is also a fabulous person, but just like all the other women on this list, she is just absolutely incredible looking. Of course we respect her for her accomplishments, and certainly we want to pretend that we don't notice how fabulous she looks, but how can we? And that is the thing with all of these women, yes- they compete wearing swimsuits, and yes- they are perfectly tanned, and yes- they are all just so gorgeous. While this was a list of 15 of them, we easily could have done a hundred more. Female surfers, we salute you. For more reasons than one. And Sage we salute you more than most, because you are amazing.


15 Hottest Female Surfers You Might See On The Beach This Summer 15 Hottest Female Surfers You Might See On The Beach This Summer Reviewed by dinesh sanjeewa on July 08, 2016 Rating: 5

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